
The Singular Fruit of the Spirit

Have you ever stopped to think about what it means to live a life controlled by the Spirit? In Galatians 5, we're presented with a pretty stark contrast between two ways of living. On one hand, there's the life that's driven by our own selfish desires and lusts. On the other, there's the life that's surrendered to God's Spirit. When we choose to surrender to the Spirit, something amazing happens. We start to produce what the Bible calls the "fruit of the Spirit". But here's the thing: I used to think of the fruit of the Spirit as a kind of checklist. You know, like a list of moral achievements that I could tick off one by one. But the more I've thought about it, the more I've come to realize that it's not like that at all. The fruit of the Spirit isn't a collection of separate traits. It's not like patience is one fruit, kindness is another, and self-control is a third. No, the fruit of the Spirit is something much more beautifu...

Blinded and Clothed by Glory

Scripture often hints that God is clothed in light or glory, like a robe or garment. It makes perfect sense that man, created in the image and likeness of God, would have been similarly clothed with glory when first created. Yes, Adam and Eve were indeed physically naked, but there is a deeper truth: they were clothed in God’s glory which blinded or shielded their eyes from seeing their nakedness. The moment they ate from the forbidden tree the glory left them and their eyes were opened. They knew nakedness as evil and the need to cover it as good.  At first, man didn’t concern himself with what was good or evil; it was God who determined what was good or evil for him. Knowing good and evil was a manifestation of thinking he (Man) no longer needed God. When God was solely responsible for man. He said it was not GOOD for man to be alone. But after eating from the forbidden tree, man could make that decision for himself. The DECEPTION however is that man's knowledge of good and evil ...


  I write to you, my great lover, on this day. You are the only one who has shown me love. We once said our love would change the world. It has been inscribed in my heart. I will not forget.  I am in love with a king. I am in love with a spirit.  Someone I can and cannot see Someone I can and cannot hold Your love, oh Lord, is tangible.  It spreads in my heart by your Holy Spirit in me.  It purifies me, making me whole.  Your love is perfect, casting out all my fears. Your love is true, making me blameless and holy. For it was your love that made you give yourself your son for me. Let me drink your love today and be intoxicated like wine. Your love refines my love, making it shine. Because you first loved me so that I could love you and others. Your love makes me keep all your commandments, obeying you with pleasure. Your love makes me faithful, eating only your fruits. Staying only under your shadow Your love never gives up; it makes me triumph over my ...


 DEAR READER!  "Welcome to the official page for 'Kelvin Bravens.' Follow the instructions below to download your copy and embark on a thrilling literary journey. We hope you have an unforgettable experience with the book.      GET THE BOOK TO DOWNLOAD ON AMAZON FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ON SELAR FOR  LOCAL BUYERS CLICK HERE ABOUT THE BOOK MEET THE CHARACTERS KNOW WHAT THE CHARACTERS SYMBOLIZE  

The Ladder and Clock

  Using the clock and ladder model, I'll explain what God has laid on my heart. The clock represents God's nature of love and righteousness, while the ladder symbolizes the law of Moses. We, as humans, are like three-year-olds. The law instructs us to pick up the ladder, place it against the wall, climb up, and reach the clock. However, for a three-year-old, this is impractical, leading to repeated falls in attempts to pick up the ladder. Similarly, when we try to obey the law, we often fall back into our sinful nature, as it's impossible for us to fully fulfill the law. In this analogy, the Holy Spirit plays the role of the father of the three-year-old child. The Holy Spirit, being tall enough, can take the clock from the wall, give it to the child, and teach them how to use it. The Holy Spirit instills new desires, encourages us to walk in love and righteousness, and helps us produce good fruits without the need to climb the ladder.


As I meditated on Song of Solomon 2:3. I saw myself under an apple tree. An angel stood before me and presented two bowls before me. One was filled with fresh apple fruits the other with grapes. The angel said, “Choose one!” I looked deeply into the bowls. The angel advised me to look carefully with the eyes of my spirit and so when I looked intently. I discovered that the bowl with grapes although so enticing and fresh on the outside was filled with slimy and nauseating worms below alongside everything deadly, the apple fruits although they appeared ordinary at first were fruits filled with light energy. I pointed at the apple fruits. The angel walked and collected some water from a river flowing nearby. He called it the water of living.  “What do you think would happen if I drop some of this water into this bowl containing the grapes”, he asked.  I looked again and saw fire.  “What you see is true, the water of life will cleanse and purge the evil from your heart,” the ...


I am in bondage, with your chains wound around my neck. You bind my hands and feet to the Tree of Life in Jerusalem. Who can save me from the stronghold of your truths, love, and grace? The Tree of Life is in an unapproachable light beyond the reach of humans. He is immortal and invisible, and no one can find him; and even if they can, they cannot cut him down. His roots reach to the depths of the earth where he overcame the forces of darkness and displayed his victory. His trunk fills the earth with glory, and his crown and leaves fills the heavens.  He is seated at your right hand, far above anything created or imaginable. Your chains of grace, love, and truths bind me to your Tree of Life. As I dwell in your secret place, I am overwhelmed by your glorious presence. Nothing can break these chains; nothing can separate me from your love in your glorious tree.   Neither hell, death, angels, principalities, powers, things to come, nor things unseen can separate me from the...


  In this realm, my mind doth wander, To my life on Earth, where memories squander. Mistakes and right decisions blend, Leading to this moment, where reflections transcend. Heaven's glass reveals a time before, As my gaze transcends, peace I adore. Rest and satisfaction in this heavenly space, Guided by Your hands through darkness, a trace. Through the darkest nights, Your Spirit did lead, Warming me with presence, a comforting creed. Lord, it's always been You, both near and far, In heaven or on Earth, You are my guiding star. Evil has ceased, all troubles subside, Clarity unveils truth, where it cannot hide. No pain, no fear, no pride to consume, Guilt dissipates, all is well in this room. I recall days of weakness and might, Falling and rising, in a constant plight. You granted me wings like an eagle to soar, Fearless, for You were with me, forevermore. Today is eternity, tomorrow is not, In this timeless place, worries forgot. Grateful, dear Lord, for bringing me near, To t...

Pharisees and Sadducees

 How funny, those flawed ones deemed The Perfect, a liar, accusing Him day and night.  My Lord, flawless, pure, from heaven's fire. With the Father ere the world's inception, Creator of all, despised by His creation. Trees formed on the third day, From thee, timber hewn for the cross's pain. Slain by those He lovingly made, Imperfect ones against the Perfect laid. I am weak, yet He stands strong, In doubt, His faithfulness prolongs. Lust, anger, pride within my soul reside, Love, grace, humility His heart does provide. My life He took, His life He gave, They called Him flawed, a label so grave. Perfection entered this imperfect sphere, His blood, redemption's price so clear. How foolish to doubt His wondrous might, Claiming Beelzebub fueled His healing light. His holy testimony, rejected with disdain, Eternal life's offer, dismissed in vain. Blinded they are, too far to truly see, Sad souls unaware of His majesty. But I shall rejoice in my God's salvation, Danci...

THE PRINCE OF PEACE - A Poem of God's Presence

  Sleep, Lord, for in your peace we shall find solace, Rest, great King, for soon we'll know your grace. All is tranquil now, but moments hence, Our ship shall be tested by Tempest's presence.   Arise, O Prince of Peace, when darkness looms, Strange voices shall invade like nocturnal gloom. Yet in your serenity, our peace remains, So slumber, Lord, as turmoil wanes.   Slumber, and lead us to tranquil repose, Awake, and unleash peace that storms oppose. Bid them hush and heed the voice divine, For we shall marvel at the power that is thine.   What manner of man is this, we'll soon proclaim, The winds and tempests yield to his acclaim. So sleep, O Lord, your rest we implore, As we witness the truth and fear no more.   As I gaze upon the raging storm's plight, I hear the wind, standing in your holy light. Assured, I know your existence is real, For your sacred daydream, the Father's love reveal.   In your ether...


What Eve truly desired was to become like God and the tree that could grant her that was the Tree of Life (which represents Jesus). Remember there were two trees in the middle of the garden in Genesis 2:9.  Jesus declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life in John 14:6." He embodied the life that Eve longed for because to be like God is to possess the life of His Son. Thus, Jesus was Eve's genuine desire. Similarly, David's true desire was the beauty of God's holiness and not the nakedness of Bathsheba (Psalm 27:4). The express image of God's person is Jesus (Hebrews 1:3). Thus, Jesus was David's genuine desire. Therefore, it is not the strong man with attractive muscles and a chiseled physique that I desire; rather, it is the one known as Faithful and True, the strongest man riding a heavenly horse. He is referred to as the Living Word of God. It is not the beautiful and tender woman, captivating and gentle to my touch with mesmerizing eyes, in w...


As the Last Adam, the symbol of love and salvation, approached me, a wave of euphoria and excitement washed over my being. He gently grasped my hand and led me towards the Tree of Life, nestled in the heart of the garden. With grace, he plucked a fruit from the tree and beckoned me to partake. Without hesitation, fuelled by unwavering faith, I accepted the fruit from his hands and consumed it. Before taking my first bite, I examined the fruit closely, and to my astonishment, I discovered the words of John 3:16 intricately inscribed upon it. As the nourishment passed through me, my eyes were opened, and I beheld a radiant light enveloping me, akin to a majestic robe. Simultaneously, I noticed that the Last Adam was adorned in the same resplendent attire. Suddenly, a reverberation resonated throughout the garden, signifying the presence of God. He (God) beheld me and questioned, "Why did you not hide yourself from my presence, as many men often do?" In response, I humbly confes...

Resurrection – the proof of the greater nature.

God Almighty, the creator, is holy, righteous, pure, wise, and beyond our imagination in every good way. When rebellion entered creation, everything contrary to the nature of the creator emerged. Everything created could align with the creator or deviate into perversity. It is no surprise that after God created man, He placed two trees in the middle of the garden (Genesis 2:9). One tree represented God's nature, while the other represented the contrary nature. God warned man not to partake of the contrary nature, or else he would experience death. This contrary nature is known as sin, and sin leads to death (Genesis 2:6, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:19). To demonstrate the sovereignty of His holy nature over sin, God sent His Son as a Lamb to take away the contrary nature, sin (John 1:29). On the Cross, Jesus performed a great exchange between Himself and the world. He became the embodiment of the sin of the world, as God placed all sins upon Him. It was declared that those who believe in...


In a world of night, a beam of light  Hope disguised as a man  Man child- God  In a time of doom, Son of the highest glows  Smallest seed, greatest tree  Feeble flesh, Almighty Spirit  Darkest night, brightest hope.  Still! Quiet night! Silent and epic  Warmth by a presence - Emmanuel's touch  Who have you come to see?  A king is born! No! The king is born!  We saw His star in the east. No! He is the star! Light of heaven and earth  Swindler"s chants, beckoning voices  Enchanting stories, magical folktales by  moonlight's space.  Deepened voice, narrator's choice.  None can be compared to this story.  Word made Flesh! Salvation to men! 

Man is without Freedom

Can Man really be completely free? Free to make his own rules, and decisions. Free to rise above the clouds, like an eagle forging through layers of the skies; not bewildered by the resistance of the wind. Finding a nest to rest in the mountains beyond the reach of the fowlers and everything dark beneath the Earth.  I don't think man can ever be free! No! There is no such concept for this being destined to be God’s image to other creatures. How can man be free from God when he is chosen by the most powerful being? Never! Surely, the Almighty will not let him go!  Oh! Maybe eating a certain fruit from a certain tree on a certain day in a realm without time will finally make him (man) free from the burden of being God’s image to other creatures.  You see! God has cursed man, man will die! He will return to the dust! So how can a being destined to be God’s image die when God cannot die! Yes man is free from God! Alas! But wait! What do I see? Is Man truly free? Why do I see ...

In Him was Life

The Apostle John wrote, "In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it" (John 1:4-5 NIV).  The life of Jesus had a special ability and that was: to shine as light. This light is so unique that the powers of darkness could not and cannot understand it. If Jesus had come to the human world as a Spirit then we could easily say it was His spiritual life that overcame darkness, but the Bible testified that "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among men.” So how can someone with flesh and blood overcome the spiritual powers of darkness? What is the connection between the life in a human Jesus and the forces of darkness? How is it that a physical man could confound the powers of darkness?  The answer is in Leviticus 17:11 (KJV) For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the s...

The story about a seed

I will tell you a story about a seed- it was planted in the darkest of soils and left alone to be hidden and forgotten, but out of the darkness it germinated into a seedling and then from a seedling to a tree, the largest of all trees. It had abundance of fruits.  This seed is Christ. He came so we could have life and life in abundance. The numerous abundant fruits of Christ belong to us. They are in abundance for He resurrected out of the darkness of death and is seated on God’s right hand. This is our faith. In His wisdom, He (Christ) told us about the story of a mustard seed, but we did not know He was talking about Himself. He said our faith must be like a mustard seed (a story of the smallest of seeds that became the greatest of trees; a hidden revelation of a baby in a manger destined to seat on God's Right Hand).  Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. The light that darkness could and can not understand. Hell and Death could not understand Him when He resurrec...

The Vision I saw About Nigeria

It was around 2:30 a.m. of the presidential election. I knew it was time to pray for my nation Nigeria, so I got up from my bed, sat on a chair, and started praying.  The First Vision I came to the general assembly of the Firstborn in a place that looked like a stadium. Thrones were arranged all about but the Firstborn’s throne was more conspicuous than the others.  When I saw the Firstborn, I fell on my face and started crying.  Me : Lord have mercy upon my nation Nigeria, help us, we need you. Come, Lord! Help us. Firstborn : Arise, wipe your eyes, and tell me what you see! Me : I see a beautiful maiden with dark skin, filled with flowers and fruits, and a green garland around her head, but she is taken, beaten, and raped. Her flowers and fruits are ripped from her, and she is left on the streets, bleeding and crying. I see her blood flowing along the street into the gutters, and she is left to die.  Firstborn : Now, what do you see? Me : I see you, My Lord. You ar...

The Law vs Faith

God does not want our faith to be in obedience to the law, but rather in the truth of His Word/Promise. What He has promised He will do, He will do, because when we believe in our self-effort we believe in ourselves, but when we believe in the authenticity of His Word, we believe in Him, this is why the law and gospel are two different concepts, they cannot be mingled.  That was the kind of faith Abraham had in God, the faith that believes in God's promise.  What Paul is calling FAITH in this context (Romans 4:13-16) is Faith in God's promise simply because He (God) cannot lie, because it still requires faith to accept the law and try to follow it, but the end of that is faith in ourselves (our ability, and obedience).  Without faith in God's promise based on who He is, faith is pointless. We obviously should know God is perfect and we are not, the law shows us this over and over again, so it is far better to believe in God and only God without dragging ourselves into the...

The Sun and Trees

 There is a reason why the Sun is at the centre of the Solar System. Its mass is big enough to generate the gravity that holds the solar system together. The Sun is the only STAR in our solar system. Everything, including planets, clouds, dust particles, and asteroids are held together by the Sun. Life on planet Earth will not be possible without the energy from the sun which is converted by plants into chemical energy and distributed to other parts of the food chain including microbes, animals, and even humans.  It is not surprising that the Bible called Jesus Christ the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (Mal 4:2) and also the BRIGHT MORNING STAR (Rev 22:16). Jesus should be the only STAR in our lives just as the Sun is the only Star in the Solar System. Jesus should be at the Center of our lives, and everything else must revolve around Him. Just like the Sun, He is massive enough to hold everything in our lives in place. He generates the energy that enables us to have eternal life and wa...

Biblical Animals

 Animals in the Bible are symbolic and are used to describe the nature of different characters e.g The serpent in the garden represents deception of Satan whilst the Lamb represents God's love revealed through the sacrifice of His Son. The Lamb which was God's love defeated the deception of the serpent on the cross.  In Rev 4:16, there were four living animal-like creatures. Each of these creatures told the story of how Jesus died as an Ox, resurrected with the might of a Lion, ascended to heaven as an Eagle and sat on the right hand of God as a man. Watch My YouTube video on this post via the link below:

The Bleeding Man

  For a very long time in my spirit, I sensed I had to see the bleeding man. Somehow I knew my worries will disappear into thin air if I could find him. The Holy Spirit had to teach me about Jesus. He said, ‘Don't make yourself the victim, Jesus Christ was the victim'.  Let’s think about it, how many times do we place ourselves at the centre of our lives? It is how we are struggling, how we suffered, how the present challenges are too difficult for us. It is always about us. We never pause to think about the lamb that was sheared and beaten who didn’t raise its voice. We do not recall Isaiah chapter fifty-three. The moments in our lives when we go through challenges are the moments we should look at the cross, and meditate on His sufferings, by doing this, we make him the centre of attraction and not ourselves, we get to understand to some measure the sufferings of Jesus. This was the picture of what happened in the wilderness when fiery serpents attacked the Israelites, God t...

Heart Talk

 Dear Father, I know it has been long since I last wrote to you. Things haven’t actually been what I planned. The journey has been tough and filled with temptations, but it has brought me to you. How is the heavenly kingdom? The place prepared for me, an unshakeable abode for eternity.  I know that with you as King, and the firstborn as your face, heaven is in perfect condition. I pray that I will be able to reign as a king and priest for the glory of your kingdom here on Earth. It’s so amazing to see that I can confidently write to you, when some few days ago I was held captive in the camp of the enemy, if not for the Spirit of your might that saved me I would have been in deep darkness.  Your Spirit tells me through your word that you can restore the years the cankerworm has eaten; that is why I am writing this letter to you, for your glorious eyes to behold it. I need full restoration for the years I have wasted. Give me the corn, the oil and new wine, and make me stro...


4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalm 8:4 After creating everything, God wanted a special creature to have dominion over everything he had created, one who will be like him and express his image to other creatures. He called this special creature MAN.  The idea was that because he was invincible, MAN will become the visible representation of his true nature.  "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Gen 1:26. But, it was as if God’s plan was thwarted, because we didn’t see Man having dominion over all things. Instead we saw that Man through his disobedience became subject to SIN and DEATH (Sin and death had dominion over Man).  At a particular time God regretted why he had created Man (because the Man of do...


A vine very black in colour  sprung forth from the middle of the Earth, it had eyes and a mouth with which it spoke. It boasted of its power and everyone that heard its voice fled, for it was very terrible.  The vine grew higher and larger, and in no time produced creeping branches that extended into the four corners of the Earth. The branches captured men, women and children of different nations of the Earth, twined around them placing twigs within the mouths of its captives.  The whole Earth was filled with this great vine, for there was no space it didn’t fill, and no man could withstand its power. Even the light of the sun was obstructed by the branches of the wicked vine. Something else wonderful happened, a seed shining as the sun came down from heaven and entered deep into the Earth.  The black vine felt threatened by it and extended some branches to kill the seed, but try as they might, they couldn’t come close because the light from the seed burnt and killed...


I somehow saw myself in a dark snowy world. The Lord and I were walking together. Are you ready? Yes Lord! But where are we going? The house of fire he replied.  I was kind of surprised, because I haven’t heard of such a house before. Although from the surroundings, it is expected that one could be frozen because of the cold, yet I felt warm close to the Lord.  We should climb this mountain to its top, there we will find the house of fire. The mountain he pointed to was made of snow and a bright furnace shinned on its top. Is that the house of fire? Yes, follow me, the Lord replied.  He took the lead, and steps appeared before him, with torches of fire spiraling around the mountain. I followed right behind as we climbed the spiral steps. Lord, I cannot continue, this vision, it doesn’t seem real. It’s as if I’m in control of the scripts. You should be the one in control not me.  I sat down in one of the steps unsure of the revelation (it was like a mind-game to me). ...

Christian Realities: The Wild Berries

Christian Realities: The Wild Berries: The Wild Berries A young sheep craved so much for berries. The green pastures the Shepherd provided were not enough. It had heard of the...

The Wild Berries

The Wild Berries A young sheep craved so much for berries. The green pastures the Shepherd provided were not enough. It had heard of the delicious berries on the mountains where the wolves are. I can outwit the wolves he thought, let me get some delicious berries for myself. And so one day, he left the sheepfold and headed for the mountains. He saw a lot of delicious grapes and ate as much as he could, but they were poisonous. The wolves were very clever they had howled ‘Sweet berries on the mountains’ at night, their trap had worked. Yes, obviously a sheep heard it and there it was lying almost dead for their consumption, but before they could pounce on it. The Shepherd showed up, and with the aid of his staff discomfited the wolves. He placed the sheep on his shoulders and led it home. The wolves did not give up, they kept on howling ‘Sweet berries on the mountains'. The sheep heard and went again only to be rescued once more. The Shepherd's determination to save wa...

The parable of the Prince and Slave

There was a certain prince from a very powerful Kingdom that journeyed far into other kingdoms in search of a bride. Try as he might, he found no woman that pleased him. He came up with a clever and novel plan,  he pulled off his royal apparel and wore a  commoner’s clothing. He revisited some of the kingdoms he had been to and discovered that people treated him differently, those that danced at his coming did not even recognize him, he saw the world in a whole new light. One day while sitting close to a well,  the young prince was suddenly captivated by a young lady. This was a surprise to his servants, they never really saw anything special about this feeble, and gaunt – looking lady with wounded marks all over her body. Perhaps what drew the prince to her was compassion. A heavy weight of chain was worn around her neck as her slave masters dragged her helplessly on the ground. The prince just could not  bear to watch this inhumane and savagery  scene, ...

True Lions

The Natural law within (Born again as true Lions) A law is a rule guiding the activities of people or processes.  For example, it is a natural law that what goes up must come down because of the gravitational force.  There are natural laws guiding the activity of our environment from the planetary to the universal level.  Forces have been kept in place to maintain certain occurrences. It is the nature of a fish to swim,  a lion to hunt,  a bird to fly, and a man to create. God has a nature too and it is to LOVE.  He has orchestrated everything in place to provide for His creations. However, something unnatural emerged as if from the abyss and tempered with the order in creation. A nature that is not God or love,  a nature that does not care for another creature,  a nature called SELF. God as love is like the shining sun GIVING His light of love,  wisdom,  peace,  holiness, and righteousness to all creation but this new nat...

God's Biology

INTRODUCTION All living organisms must reproduce and so does the owner of life (God Himself).  Reproduction is the way to continue the existence of a species as the biological information of a particular species is passed from generation to generation Why does God need to reproduce? God is immortal. An everlasting, and the all-powerful being,  what could He possibly get from reproduction? He needed to reproduce not to continue His existence (He is obviously immortal)  but for the revelation of His nature to all creation through His progenies (Rom 8:19). God being who He is will never be clearly understood by His creations, and there will be a lot of misconception about His being,  this was exactly what led to another kind of nature called SIN- the” be like God “ state.  Trying to understand who He is without the revelation of His nature is what birthed sin. The devil for example thought that being “like God” meant he will have a throne above the stars ...