True Lions

The Natural law within (Born again as true Lions)

A law is a rule guiding the activities of people or processes.  For example, it is a natural law that what goes up must come down because of the gravitational force.  There are natural laws guiding the activity of our environment from the planetary to the universal level.  Forces have been kept in place to maintain certain occurrences.

It is the nature of a fish to swim,  a lion to hunt,  a bird to fly, and a man to create. God has a nature too and it is to LOVE.  He has orchestrated everything in place to provide for His creations. However, something unnatural emerged as if from the abyss and tempered with the order in creation. A nature that is not God or love,  a nature that does not care for another creature,  a nature called SELF.

God as love is like the shining sun GIVING His light of love,  wisdom,  peace,  holiness, and righteousness to all creation but this new nature is like a vacuum cleaner sucking up all of nature's resources because it cares for no one or nothing but SELF.  This new nature works under the principle of STEALING,  KILLING, and DESTRUCTION.

From the parable of the wheat and tares in Mat 13:24-30, we understand that something unnatural took place that was contrary to the farmer’s will. The farmer was not in a hurry, he waited for nature to take its course.

Man fell to the nature of SELF in the garden and this is why there is so much evil in the world today,  the vacuum-sucking nature of a man’s heart is destructive in nature.  God knew that the only way out was for man to have His nature of love.  He chose a particular race to teach and explain that man can never be able to free himself from his sinful nature on his own,  even if he knew the right thing to do and so he (God) converted His nature of love into laws (Gal 5:14)and gave them to Israel so they could come to the end of themselves (having been burdened by the heavy weight of trying to save themselves from the selfish nature on their own) and cry for a Savior who will show them the way.

Jesus came to make walking in Love a natural phenomenon for man.  His life was a life of love,  he did not suck up the resources around Him,  having the nature of love, He was always GIVING: healing,  teaching,  counseling, and most of all, He gave His life i.e., His death on the cross. 

And today,  we too can walk in love by faith in Jesus.  He is the saviour of the World.  God so loved the world (knowing fully well that the evil nature of SELF will breed total destruction) that he had to give Jesus to teach us and to show us His nature,  and after advertising this nature,  that we should partake from it through Faith.

Man does not need to follow a set of do’s and don‘ts. Walking in love is now natural,  it is a natural law for everyone who believes in Jesus.  With God’s nature in us,  there can be a change. We are no longer goats trying to roar like lions.  Jesus who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah has given us the grace to be BORN AGAIN as true lions (John 1:12-13).


Mathew Lawani said…
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