As the Last Adam, the symbol of love and salvation, approached me, a wave of euphoria and excitement washed over my being. He gently grasped my hand and led me towards the Tree of Life, nestled in the heart of the garden. With grace, he plucked a fruit from the tree and beckoned me to partake. Without hesitation, fuelled by unwavering faith, I accepted the fruit from his hands and consumed it.

Before taking my first bite, I examined the fruit closely, and to my astonishment, I discovered the words of John 3:16 intricately inscribed upon it. As the nourishment passed through me, my eyes were opened, and I beheld a radiant light enveloping me, akin to a majestic robe. Simultaneously, I noticed that the Last Adam was adorned in the same resplendent attire.

Suddenly, a reverberation resonated throughout the garden, signifying the presence of God. He (God) beheld me and questioned, "Why did you not hide yourself from my presence, as many men often do?" In response, I humbly confessed, "I heard your voice, and it ignited within me an unwavering trinity of faith, hope, and love. It was your voice that drew me near, for I found myself clothed in this glorious robe."

Curious, God inquired, "Who told you that you were adorned with this robe of glory. Did you eat from the tree I told you to?" With profound gratitude, I replied, "The Lamb, who was bestowed upon me by your divine grace, offered me the fruit of the Tree, and I partook without reservation." God then turned his gaze towards the Last Adam and spoke, "Because of your selfless act, I bestow upon you a name that surpasses all others. All of creation shall bow and confess your lordship, to the glory of my name. Moreover, I anoint your head with the oil of gladness, surpassing that of your peers."

Directing his attention back to me, God proclaimed, "Because you have heeded the guidance of the Last Adam, you shall partake in my holiness and become a co-heir with him. You shall find your place at my right hand, seated together with him." And so, God extended a warm welcome to the Last Adam and me, inviting us to dwell at His Right Hand, where we reigned in unison for eternity.


Mathew Lawani said…
Hope this article blessed you dear reader.

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