As I meditated on Song of Solomon 2:3. I saw myself under an apple tree. An angel stood before me and presented two bowls before me. One was filled with fresh apple fruits the other with grapes. The angel said, “Choose one!”

I looked deeply into the bowls. The angel advised me to look carefully with the eyes of my spirit and so when I looked intently. I discovered that the bowl with grapes although so enticing and fresh on the outside was filled with slimy and nauseating worms below alongside everything deadly, the apple fruits although they appeared ordinary at first were fruits filled with light energy. I pointed at the apple fruits. The angel walked and collected some water from a river flowing nearby. He called it the water of living. 

“What do you think would happen if I drop some of this water into this bowl containing the grapes”, he asked. 

I looked again and saw fire. 

“What you see is true, the water of life will cleanse and purge the evil from your heart,” the angel responded. 

He dropped some water and fire consumed all the grapes and worms until the bowl became glittering clean. 

The angel explained that the clean bowl is now the state of my heart. He transferred the apple fruits to the bowl and declared that God had changed my desires.


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