I somehow saw myself in a dark snowy world. The Lord and I were walking together. Are you ready? Yes Lord! But where are we going? The house of fire he replied. 
I was kind of surprised, because I haven’t heard of such a house before. Although from the surroundings, it is expected that one could be frozen because of the cold, yet I felt warm close to the Lord. 

We should climb this mountain to its top, there we will find the house of fire. The mountain he pointed to was made of snow and a bright furnace shinned on its top. Is that the house of fire? Yes, follow me, the Lord replied. 

He took the lead, and steps appeared before him, with torches of fire spiraling around the mountain. I followed right behind as we climbed the spiral steps. Lord, I cannot continue, this vision, it doesn’t seem real. It’s as if I’m in control of the scripts. You should be the one in control not me.  I sat down in one of the steps unsure of the revelation (it was like a mind-game to me). But the Lord came close to me. Why do you doubt? When will you learn that we are one Spirit, and that you have my mind. Haven’t you noticed you think the way I do? So I’m allowed to think this through I replied? Stay in the story and see it through to the end, there’s a lesson to be learnt he replied. 

Convinced I was doing the right thing, I stood up and followed him until we reached the top of the mountain. There it was a house burning with fire, yet everything in the house was still intact. Men on fire too were stationed in strategic positions in front of and around the house, they greeted the Lord and I. 

I know them I replied, they are your ministers, messengers of fire. Yes, and they will lead you inside, the Lord responded. So, some of them led me into the house, as I entered it had a bigger space within than one would observe outside. The receiving entrance led to a large hall with spiral stairs extending from the bottom of the hall to the top with rooms at every side of the hall. All were on fire.
A burning furnace which was the source of the flame in the house burned mightily in the midst of the hall. Now, you must go through the fire one of the messengers Said. How I’m I sure it won’t consume me I protested. You know in your heart that it won’t, just go through. As I went closer to the fire, it withdrew far from me, the more I tried the more I couldn’t reach it. What is wrong? I wondered. 

This explains what you are going through on the Earth, you are afraid to go through the pains of the fire, one of the messengers replied. Three bright burning men stood close to me. You cannot go through it alone, when we went through the fire, one like the Son of God was with us. You need the Son of God to go through it with you, he will give you the courage you need. Then the Lord stood beside me. Do you now know how the story ends? Yes Lord, I nodded in affirmation. I gave him my hand and both of us entered through the fire, this time the fire stayed in its position. 

I came out on the other side burning like the three men. The Lord turned to me and said, every time anyone of my servants goes through the fire, the intensity of the flame and light increases and so does the house of fire. It is my will for its flame to consume this dark snowy world, so that it will blossom in the beauty of summer. Tell those who are going through trials to go through it with me and not on their own, else it will all be for nothing. It is when you suffer with me, you will reign with me. 


Anthony Asikhia said…
This is a prophetic word and a deep revelation.. This is no fiction or allegory.. It is entirely the mind of God.. It makes clearer God's word... It blessed me so... U are a rare gift to this world, my prophetic teacher and friend. Love u always.. Blessed to know you.
Unknown said…
Wao! Thanks so much Sir Mathew. It's so inspiring and biblically proven. More Grace and revelation of God's knowledge.
Unknown said…
Wao! Thanks so much Sir Mathew. It's so inspiring and biblically proven. More Grace and revelation of God's knowledge.
"Tell those who are going through trials to go through it with me and not on their own. else it will be for nothing." Thank you for this! We most forget to involve God in our trials, thinking that we could solve it on our own. We fail to realize thst not only until we take a walk with God, our battles truly can't be won. Thank you again, this has been inspiring!
Wow... I had to read it again and again.blessed.
osazee said…
Mathew Lawani said…
Thank you everyone. I just knew I had to share when I got the message. Please help me to share. And pray that I launch my book, there is a lot I have to tell my generation from the Lord.
Unknown said…
Wow!!! What a great writeup.
Unknown said…
Wow!!! What a great writeup.
Uzochukwu said…
Nice lessoms learnt.
No Cross without a Crown.
For Gold to be refined, it has to pass through fire.
We should always remember our Lord and call on him to walk with us in good and so-called bad times.
Precious Osas said…
Beautiful message. Dear Lord, give us the grace to always walk with You at all times, good and bad

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