Resurrection – the proof of the greater nature.

God Almighty, the creator, is holy, righteous, pure, wise, and beyond our imagination in every good way. When rebellion entered creation, everything contrary to the nature of the creator emerged. Everything created could align with the creator or deviate into perversity. It is no surprise that after God created man, He placed two trees in the middle of the garden (Genesis 2:9). One tree represented God's nature, while the other represented the contrary nature. God warned man not to partake of the contrary nature, or else he would experience death. This contrary nature is known as sin, and sin leads to death (Genesis 2:6, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:19).

To demonstrate the sovereignty of His holy nature over sin, God sent His Son as a Lamb to take away the contrary nature, sin (John 1:29). On the Cross, Jesus performed a great exchange between Himself and the world. He became the embodiment of the sin of the world, as God placed all sins upon Him. It was declared that those who believe in Him would become the righteousness of God, as their faith in the works of Jesus would be counted as righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21, Isaiah 53:6, Romans 4:5).

In addition to this great exchange, it was crucial for Jesus Christ to resurrect after His death. Consider this: Jesus is the Son of God, meaning He possesses the nature of God. Sin is the contrary nature corrupting God's creation and bringing death. Death is therefore the power of sin. Jesus, the Son of God with the nature of God, took the contrary nature of sin upon Himself. This presented an opportunity to display God's glory and conclusively reveal which nature was truly greater.

If Jesus had remained dead, it would have implied that sin is greater than the nature of God in Jesus (God's Son). Jesus was the light that absorbed all the darkness in creation (1 Corinthians 15:17). His resurrection served as proof that God's nature is greater than sin since He simultaneously inhabited the two natures:

A. Righteousness as God's Son.

B. Sin as the sacrificial Lamb. 

The righteousness of God through Jesus has been demonstrated to be greater than the sin of the world, and God has bestowed this proven and verified gift upon us so that we may reign in this world. The righteousness of God, received through faith, becomes our victory (Romans 5:17, 1 John 5:4).

With the victorious power of righteousness, proven through resurrection, we can be certain of eternal salvation from sin if we believe this in our hearts (Romans 10:19). This righteousness of Jesus, which overcame sin through the proof of resurrection, was the desire of the Apostle Paul (Philippians 3:9-11). It is important to understand that eternal life was promised to us (John 3:16). Eternal life corresponds to one of the trees mentioned in Genesis 2:9. This eternal life is the Holy Spirit (John 7:38). The Holy Spirit is the life of God flowing within us like water. Through faith in Christ, we now possess the verified power of God's righteousness, His love, mindset, holiness, and everything His Holy Spirit in us represents.

Imagine a wealthy person gifting us a million dollars, but if we refuse to use or invest it, we would remain poor. Similarly, Christ has given us the powerful gift of righteousness by having the Holy Spirit reside within us, but it is essential to understand how to utilize this gift. Scripture instructs us to yield our mortal bodies to the Holy Spirit. This is the secret to reigning in this world (Romans 8:13, Romans 6:13). We therefore make use of this bestowed righteousness by submitting ourselves to it.

We have an eternal guarantee that the gift we have received is genuine and powerful, thanks to the resurrection of Christ.


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