The Vision I saw About Nigeria

It was around 2:30 a.m. of the presidential election. I knew it was time to pray for my nation Nigeria, so I got up from my bed, sat on a chair, and started praying. 

The First Vision

I came to the general assembly of the Firstborn in a place that looked like a stadium. Thrones were arranged all about but the Firstborn’s throne was more conspicuous than the others. 

When I saw the Firstborn, I fell on my face and started crying. 

Me: Lord have mercy upon my nation Nigeria, help us, we need you. Come, Lord! Help us.

Firstborn: Arise, wipe your eyes, and tell me what you see!

Me: I see a beautiful maiden with dark skin, filled with flowers and fruits, and a green garland around her head, but she is taken, beaten, and raped. Her flowers and fruits are ripped from her, and she is left on the streets, bleeding and crying. I see her blood flowing along the street into the gutters, and she is left to die. 

Firstborn: Now, what do you see?

Me: I see you, My Lord. You are walking towards her with oil and water in your hands. You healed her with them and her bleeding has stopped. 

Firstborn: In the scriptures, there is such a woman who was bleeding for twelve (12) years, but was healed when she touched me. This woman in your vision is your nation Nigeria. 

Me: But Lord, the woman with the issue of blood came to you; in my vision, you came to the bleeding woman in the street. 

Firstborn: When you read the scriptures, you thought it was the woman with the issue of blood that came to me. (The Firstborn smiled and continued). It was My Spirit that was pulling her to Me. It was I that came to her and brought her to touch Me. What you’ve seen has happened before and will happen now. 

I have been pulling your country towards me. She has been crying and pushing through the crowds, seeking to touch me through her prayers. Many people in your nation have lifted their voices, and I have heard their cries. 

I am the husband of all nations. All nations, tribes, and tongues were destined to worship me for it is the amalgamation of all nations that will become my one bride. They are the virgins who will be mine. I will restore all nations to Myself in due time, for every tongue and tribe will worship me as King. 

A New Vision

In another vision I was in an infirmary with the Firstborn, I saw the young maiden on a bed. She was resting. 

Firstborn: The one to bring her to me has not come. The one that will be now, will make her regain her strength. There is another which I will raise among your people. He will bring her to me. 

I knew He was talking about a leader to come. A President that will bring Nigeria to the Lord. May the grace of the Lord be upon all of God’s people in Nigeria. Take heart Nigerians, the Lord has heard our cries! 


Anonymous said…
Such an amazing revelation. Clear and crystal. These things Major Prophets of the land have prophesied and it is on point. Despite what the enemy believes he has done we will have the last laugh... The Lord has heard our cry 💖
Unknown said…
Yes! The affairs of Nigeria are in the palm of God's hands. He has surely heard our requests and will bring to pass our desires.

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