Man is without Freedom

Can Man really be completely free? Free to make his own rules, and decisions. Free to rise above the clouds, like an eagle forging through layers of the skies; not bewildered by the resistance of the wind. Finding a nest to rest in the mountains beyond the reach of the fowlers and everything dark beneath the Earth. 

I don't think man can ever be free! No! There is no such concept for this being destined to be God’s image to other creatures. How can man be free from God when he is chosen by the most powerful being? Never! Surely, the Almighty will not let him go!

 Oh! Maybe eating a certain fruit from a certain tree on a certain day in a realm without time will finally make him (man) free from the burden of being God’s image to other creatures. 

You see! God has cursed man, man will die! He will return to the dust! So how can a being destined to be God’s image die when God cannot die! Yes man is free from God! Alas! But wait! What do I see? Is Man truly free? Why do I see a new master called SIN and a new destiny called DEATH. Oh no! For when I thought man would be free I see sin and death coiling man in their fetters and chains. 

Man has been fooled, he thought he would be free from God! He would be like God, knowing good and evil. He will make his own path and not to follow a scripted destiny pinned down by the one most holy. Now he is in the bondage of sin and death. Who will save you now oh man? 

Wait what do I see? A new man? How is this possible? What manner of man is this that even the winds, storms and laws of nature obey him? How can a man have powers to forgive sins, raise the dead back to life, walk upon the water, change the chemical and molecular structure of water into wine, and call the Almighty "Father.” But is this man free? Why does he say, "not my will, but yours be done?” In all of his powers, he will still choose to submit to the one most holy? Surely, man indeed is without freedom! There is no such thing as freedom for the being called man! No! There is not. 

I see now! When Man is free from God, he is a slave to sin; when man is free from sin, he is a slave to God. There is no such thing as freedom for man! No! There is not! As the ancient book of Romans has said: 

When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 21 What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 

Somehow, I have journeyed into the unknown. I have seen videos of the men of old through the revealing glass. Pages have told me stories, and places have made me know that God will not abandon his favorite slave. He will bind man with the chains of His love. No one can break that chain or separate us from it. He will put him in the deepest bondage of light. Man will be marked with the Spirit of his master. Oh, man! You can never be without a master. You can never be free! You are without freedom! 


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