God's Biology


All living organisms must reproduce and so does the owner of life (God Himself).  Reproduction is the way to continue the existence of a species as the biological information of a particular species is passed from generation to generation

Why does God need to reproduce?

God is immortal. An everlasting, and the all-powerful being,  what could He possibly get from reproduction? He needed to reproduce not to continue His existence (He is obviously immortal)  but for the revelation of His nature to all creation through His progenies (Rom 8:19).

God being who He is will never be clearly understood by His creations, and there will be a lot of misconception about His being,  this was exactly what led to another kind of nature called SIN- the” be like God “ state.  Trying to understand who He is without the revelation of His nature is what birthed sin.

The devil for example thought that being “like God” meant he will have a throne above the stars of God,  sitting on the mount above the congregation or ascending above the heights of His clouds (God's clouds),  because this was what he (Satan) understood as being God,  and in a bid to achieving this, sin was birthed in him (Satan) (Isa 14:13-14) Adam and Eve were also deceived through this “ be like God” desire, but this time,  the criterion to be like God was to “ Know good and evil”. It was a fact,  that as long as God’s nature was not revealed, creation will want to fill this void by craving for a distorted image of God’s nature thereby having a misconception of “who He is”, a path that will always lead to SIN.  God had to reproduce by inputting His DNA into a particular creature to reveal His nature to all creation.

Why Man?
Man is the creation specifically created for the sole purpose of reproduction, it is man that will reveal God’s nature. It is man that will be implanted with God’s DNA or seed.  (1 Pet 1:23, 1 John 3:9), but man was corrupted with another kind of seed (a misconception of God’s nature)  which had to be corrected.

Somehow God had to reveal His true nature to His creation,  but when man’s purpose for reproduction was thwarted, He (God) came upon a virgin by His Spirit and implanted His DNA into her human egg and the result of that was Jesus,  God’s life in human form. This was exactly the man God wanted (a creature with God's life). Hebrews 2:9 tells us that where man failed (in revealing God's nature), we see Jesus (The New Man)- one with God's nature which has always been God's idea of MAN!

Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the “Word of life”, the “Eternal life” or “DNA of God” ( John 1:1-5, 1 John 1:1-2)- it was Him that was depicted as the tree of life in Gen 2:9 and hidden by the cherubims – you will understand that God’s intention for Adam and Eve before they fell was that they should eat from the “tree of life” this would have imputed Jesus (God’s life) in them,  but since they had imputed themselves with another kind of life (which looked like God’s,  but was not God’s life),  God had to reveal Jesus as a man for 3 basic reasons

1. To show or reveal His nature
2. To redeem man from the nature of SIN
3. To input God’s life into Man

We still need to eat Him
Just as Adam and Eve could have eaten from the fruit of the tree of life and had Christ (God’s life)  imputed in them (because the mystery that has been hidden since the foundations of the world is Christ in Man Col 1:26-27). The Cherubims were instructed not to allow man to partake from the tree of life,  because in that form of SIN (already inputted in man) Numbers 1 and 2 reasons above will not be accomplished, and that will., in turn, do more harm than good for mankind.

Jesus in John 6:53 made a stunning statement,  that He must be eaten (taken in) this statement even baffled many of His disciples, but He spoke of receiving Him into the heart (the spiritual stomach) through faith (When they believe in His message). 

He has come

1. To show God’s true nature (1 John 4:8)

We saw His dominion and power over demons, death, sickness, etc.,  all these were not in fact His nature but manifestations of it.  We finally saw His nature on the cross as LOVE,  something all of creation could not have seen, that God was and is willing to die for a creation. Yes! LOVE is God's true nature!

2. To redeem man from the nature of sin (1 John 3:8)

The root of sin hangs on the misconception of God’s nature. The devil has been sinning from the beginning because he did not understand that “God is love”, instead he was intoxicated with “God is power” and 'I must be like that"  if he had seen God as love and walked in that path,  he would not have sinned.

Man on the other hand is intoxicated with “ God knows good and evil” He punishes the evil and rewards the good- this usually breeds rebellion as he (man) soon realizes that he cannot be all good,  but looking at the cross and understanding that God is all good,  and that He is Love empowers man to “fall in love” with God, trust Him and walk faithfully.

On the cross Jesus became SIN (God's perverse nature) and died, meaning SIN died, so by faith in Jesus we are free from the sinful nature.

If you remember Moses and the fiery serpent story, you will understand that the Same fiery serpents that troubled the Israelites were exactly the kind God told Moses to make, so that the Israelites could see and understand that the serpents biting them were non-living. 

Good news: look at the cross and see that your Sin is dead because Jesus died.

3. To give us God’s life (John 10:10)

God’s life in man has always and will always be God’s intention for mankind, He predestined us to be conformed to the Image of Christ (Rom 8:29). By faith in Jesus, God’s DNA is implanted in our spirits and that is where transformation begins.

The Beginning and End

When Col 1:15 described Jesus as “the firstborn of every creature” it was explained further in verses 16 and 17. The Word of life (Jesus)  created all things,  hence He is the beginning of God’s creations (the firstborn of every creation).  He is also the End – an unending end of an ever-increasing government and peace. He is the beginning of God’s creation and He is eternity (the end).


Mathew Lawani said…
Thank you, hope you learnt from it?

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