
Showing posts from March, 2023


In a world of night, a beam of light  Hope disguised as a man  Man child- God  In a time of doom, Son of the highest glows  Smallest seed, greatest tree  Feeble flesh, Almighty Spirit  Darkest night, brightest hope.  Still! Quiet night! Silent and epic  Warmth by a presence - Emmanuel's touch  Who have you come to see?  A king is born! No! The king is born!  We saw His star in the east. No! He is the star! Light of heaven and earth  Swindler"s chants, beckoning voices  Enchanting stories, magical folktales by  moonlight's space.  Deepened voice, narrator's choice.  None can be compared to this story.  Word made Flesh! Salvation to men! 

Man is without Freedom

Can Man really be completely free? Free to make his own rules, and decisions. Free to rise above the clouds, like an eagle forging through layers of the skies; not bewildered by the resistance of the wind. Finding a nest to rest in the mountains beyond the reach of the fowlers and everything dark beneath the Earth.  I don't think man can ever be free! No! There is no such concept for this being destined to be God’s image to other creatures. How can man be free from God when he is chosen by the most powerful being? Never! Surely, the Almighty will not let him go!  Oh! Maybe eating a certain fruit from a certain tree on a certain day in a realm without time will finally make him (man) free from the burden of being God’s image to other creatures.  You see! God has cursed man, man will die! He will return to the dust! So how can a being destined to be God’s image die when God cannot die! Yes man is free from God! Alas! But wait! What do I see? Is Man truly free? Why do I see ...

In Him was Life

The Apostle John wrote, "In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it" (John 1:4-5 NIV).  The life of Jesus had a special ability and that was: to shine as light. This light is so unique that the powers of darkness could not and cannot understand it. If Jesus had come to the human world as a Spirit then we could easily say it was His spiritual life that overcame darkness, but the Bible testified that "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among men.” So how can someone with flesh and blood overcome the spiritual powers of darkness? What is the connection between the life in a human Jesus and the forces of darkness? How is it that a physical man could confound the powers of darkness?  The answer is in Leviticus 17:11 (KJV) For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the s...