The story about a seed

I will tell you a story about a seed- it was planted in the darkest of soils and left alone to be hidden and forgotten, but out of the darkness it germinated into a seedling and then from a seedling to a tree, the largest of all trees. It had abundance of fruits. This seed is Christ. He came so we could have life and life in abundance. The numerous abundant fruits of Christ belong to us. They are in abundance for He resurrected out of the darkness of death and is seated on God’s right hand. This is our faith. In His wisdom, He (Christ) told us about the story of a mustard seed, but we did not know He was talking about Himself. He said our faith must be like a mustard seed (a story of the smallest of seeds that became the greatest of trees; a hidden revelation of a baby in a manger destined to seat on God's Right Hand). Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. The light that darkness could and can not understand. Hell and Death could not understand Him when He resurrec...