I somehow saw myself in a dark snowy world. The Lord and I were walking together. Are you ready? Yes Lord! But where are we going? The house of fire he replied. I was kind of surprised, because I haven’t heard of such a house before. Although from the surroundings, it is expected that one could be frozen because of the cold, yet I felt warm close to the Lord. We should climb this mountain to its top, there we will find the house of fire. The mountain he pointed to was made of snow and a bright furnace shinned on its top. Is that the house of fire? Yes, follow me, the Lord replied. He took the lead, and steps appeared before him, with torches of fire spiraling around the mountain. I followed right behind as we climbed the spiral steps. Lord, I cannot continue, this vision, it doesn’t seem real. It’s as if I’m in control of the scripts. You should be the one in control not me. I sat down in one of the steps unsure of the revelation (it was like a mind-game to me). ...