Blinded and Clothed by Glory

Scripture often hints that God is clothed in light or glory, like a robe or garment. It makes perfect sense that man, created in the image and likeness of God, would have been similarly clothed with glory when first created. Yes, Adam and Eve were indeed physically naked, but there is a deeper truth: they were clothed in God’s glory which blinded or shielded their eyes from seeing their nakedness. The moment they ate from the forbidden tree the glory left them and their eyes were opened. They knew nakedness as evil and the need to cover it as good. At first, man didn’t concern himself with what was good or evil; it was God who determined what was good or evil for him. Knowing good and evil was a manifestation of thinking he (Man) no longer needed God. When God was solely responsible for man. He said it was not GOOD for man to be alone. But after eating from the forbidden tree, man could make that decision for himself. The DECEPTION however is that man's knowledge of good and evil ...