I am in bondage, with your chains wound around my neck. You bind my hands and feet to the Tree of Life in Jerusalem. Who can save me from the stronghold of your truths, love, and grace? The Tree of Life is in an unapproachable light beyond the reach of humans. He is immortal and invisible, and no one can find him; and even if they can, they cannot cut him down. His roots reach to the depths of the earth where he overcame the forces of darkness and displayed his victory. His trunk fills the earth with glory, and his crown and leaves fills the heavens. He is seated at your right hand, far above anything created or imaginable. Your chains of grace, love, and truths bind me to your Tree of Life. As I dwell in your secret place, I am overwhelmed by your glorious presence. Nothing can break these chains; nothing can separate me from your love in your glorious tree. Neither hell, death, angels, principalities, powers, things to come, nor things unseen can separate me from the...