The Bleeding Man

For a very long time in my spirit, I sensed I had to see the bleeding man. Somehow I knew my worries will disappear into thin air if I could find him. The Holy Spirit had to teach me about Jesus. He said, ‘Don't make yourself the victim, Jesus Christ was the victim'. Let’s think about it, how many times do we place ourselves at the centre of our lives? It is how we are struggling, how we suffered, how the present challenges are too difficult for us. It is always about us. We never pause to think about the lamb that was sheared and beaten who didn’t raise its voice. We do not recall Isaiah chapter fifty-three. The moments in our lives when we go through challenges are the moments we should look at the cross, and meditate on His sufferings, by doing this, we make him the centre of attraction and not ourselves, we get to understand to some measure the sufferings of Jesus. This was the picture of what happened in the wilderness when fiery serpents attacked the Israelites, God t...