A vine very black in colour sprung forth from the middle of the Earth, it had eyes and a mouth with which it spoke. It boasted of its power and everyone that heard its voice fled, for it was very terrible. The vine grew higher and larger, and in no time produced creeping branches that extended into the four corners of the Earth. The branches captured men, women and children of different nations of the Earth, twined around them placing twigs within the mouths of its captives. The whole Earth was filled with this great vine, for there was no space it didn’t fill, and no man could withstand its power. Even the light of the sun was obstructed by the branches of the wicked vine. Something else wonderful happened, a seed shining as the sun came down from heaven and entered deep into the Earth. The black vine felt threatened by it and extended some branches to kill the seed, but try as they might, they couldn’t come close because the light from the seed burnt and killed...